About ITUS

Investing in growth in the public markets

Research Center

Study our investing style and process at length

Owner's Manual

Owner's Manual

We are a fiduciary of your capital. Your understanding of what we do and how we will approach it is a critical element in enabling us to attain our goal. The Owners Manual helps achieve this....

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In FY’17 the fund outperformed industry
benchmarks by delivering a return of 55%.

Know more about the ITUS Fund

Our Track Record

The fund delivered a net IRR of 21.81% after fees over a 7.8Y period vs 17.41% on the benchmark in the same period.

Our track record in detail

“Always take
the high road,
it’s far less

Naveen Chandramohan
Founder and Fund Manager

Naveen's Profile

The ITUS Edge

The ITUS Edge
A relationship built for
the long-term
The ITUS Edge
A team of experts
working for you
The ITUS Edge
Incentives internally
The ITUS Edge
The ITUS Edge
A unique structure in
the industry
The ITUS Edge
We are invested
The ITUS Edge
We charge fees on
performing portfolios
The ITUS Edge
We do not
The ITUS Edge
We believe in

Pay for Performance

We are an independent asset management firm, structured as the Porfolio Management Service in India. The firm is internally owned by our employees and we are completely invested in the fund alongside our clients.
We run a single multicap focussed fund, which ensures complete alignment of interest for our clients. We have a fiduciary responsibility to grow our client’s investments in the fund.

Our fees are determined by our performance, and we are aligned to the long term focus of wealth creation for our clients.

Portfolio Management Service – Number of complaints – September' 2024
At the beginning of the month Received during the month Resolved during the month Pending at the end of the month
0 0 0 0