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Investing in growth in the public markets

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Owner's Manual

We are a fiduciary of your capital. Your understanding of what we do and how we will approach it is a critical element in enabling us to attain our goal. The Owners Manual helps achieve this....

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The previous week, we have highlighted the health of the portfolio and measured it through Earnings growth and return on capital. The portfolio has consistently shown strong return on capital Since inception on the fund. This week we are highlighting the 5 levers of risk mitigation process with ITUS portfolio construction.

At the core of what we do, there are 5 key aspects of risk management in portfolio construction-

  1. .Sector Concentration: We are sector agnostic fund and investment in a particular sector is purely focussed on growth and the cycle we are in the market.
  2. Market Capitalization: We’re flexible across market caps, and to manage liquidity in the portfolio we do not invest more than 25% in small caps.
  3. Stock Concentration: Concentration is never a starting point for the fund and We concentrate holdings based on business conviction and adjust to enhance position on trim it depending on the execution.
  4. Portfolio Diversification: Our portfolio can range from 15 to 30-35 stocks based on market dynamics.
  5. Cash: We do not shy away from holding cash for anticipated volatility to buy businesses at better prices.

Our risk management approach has enabled us to construct the portfolio effectively, navigate market cycles, and consistently outperform the benchmark over the fund’s lifespan. This remains our objective through the life of the fund.


Also, we keep writing to you about our SIP program that presents investors with a convenient avenue to regularly infuse capital into their portfolios. Feel free to check out the benefits for your clients. If you need more info, reach out to your dedicated relationship manager at [email protected].

These weekly episodes are now available in our website for your quick read and you may access the same in the below link.

Weekly Enlightenment Archives – ITUS Capital